Комплексна ИнформационноТестова Система CTIS

One of the most important requirements about the contemporary communication decisions is the high reliability and efficiency.

Concerning that it is very important to ensure quick and easy way of fault recognition and processing over the cabling and the station part of the telephone networks – subscriber and trunk cabling and station interfaces in all their variety.

It is vitally important to shorten and automate the process of fault registration, informing of the certain duty personnel and monitoring the repetition of such faults (history of faults) and to provide control on the process of fault elimination.

An important detail of these routines is the stage by stage report of the fault elimination process – duration, way and actions to confirm the working status of the repaired equipment or cabling.

Also important issues are the preventive routines to locate and predict possible faults using periodical test procedures.

Another important issue is the unification of the test results from the different types of analog and digital telephone exchanges (TE), expecting their specific features.

All the mentioned above leads us to the necessity of common operation and maintenance centers witch are constantly involved in the process of receiving information about newly arising faults, their confirmation, control of their elimination processing including collecting information about the duration of the process, the involved personnel and equipment and the final status of the repaired item – subscriber or trunk cabling or stationary equipment.

ESTEL LTD has designed solutions for automatic test for large TE type A29 (with more than 2000 subscriber ports), smaller A29 TE, TE type ESK, TE type KRS, DTE type EWSD, ESTEL, X1 and etc.

Besides that for the needs of MDF testing was designed an automatic testing system with 8 4-pole disconnection cords, named SLMS.

On Bulgarian Telecommunication Company (BTC) request ESTEL LTD designed a software application CTIS (Complex test and information system) to provide common way to integrate all test systems in the “Common centers for telephone support” thus covering more than 130 000 subscriber lines and their cabling network.

CTIS ensures parallel processing of multiple test requests. It is possible to structure them by groups and form queues, collecting statistic information and based on it to plan and control the repair services and predefined routines and services provided by the administrative teams to provide the needed technical support of the serviced equipment of the telephone network.

CTIS measures the following parameters and returns a prompt reply (within in 1 minute) in a specified format:

Subscriber line measurement /towards the telephone set/
  • External AC voltage:
    • between a and b
    • between a and ground
    • between b and ground
  • External DC voltage:
    • between a and b
    • between a and ground
    • between b and ground
  • Isolation resistance measurement:
    • between a and b
    • between a and ground
    • between b and ground
  • Capacitance measurement:
    • between a and b
    • between a and ground
    • between b and ground
Subscriber interface measurement/towards the Exchange/

  • Subscriber line feeding voltage measurement
  • Measuring over 1.5k? loop resistance the loop voltage between a and b, a and ground, b and ground
  • Acoustic signal ”dialing tone” presence measuring
  • Feeding bridge resistance measuring Ra and Rb
Subscriber loop resistance and terminal equipment measurement with subscriber’s help

  • “Off hook” loop resistance measurement
  • DP (rotary) dialing tests
  • DTMF dialing tests
  • “Howler” acoustic signal to attend the subscriber for forgotten off-hook phone set
  • Possibility to have a conversation with the subscriber
CTIS basic functionality
  • receiving and registration of new test requests
  • test results queries
  • subscriber line status test
  • stationary equipment test
  • discovering and registration of diagnosed faults
  • fault repair process monitoring
  • information and technical support during fault repairs
  • information and technical support during group switching out and switching in of subscribers due to technical or administrative reasons
  • formatting preprocessing and printing of documents about statistic information,test routines and results and also other different documents concerning the CTIS system
  • support of main and back-up Data Base for the fulfilled measurements
  • additional functional software modules – such as request distributor, ATI module ATO module and etc
CTIS basic advantages

  • Data Base creation support to provide remote control and administration
  • Flexible structure and way to implement additional features upon request
  • The tone signal amplitude gives the possibility to measure the attenuation of the line
  • Fully automated testing and visualizing of the results
  • Remote control feature
  • Simplified attendance thus ensuring quick education process
  • Very compact
  • Very flexible concerning test system changes.Feeding bridge resistance measuring Ra and Rb